Did you know that suppliers of movie props and costumes, like Stratasys customer FBFX Ltd., is revolutionizing the entertainment industry with 3D printing?
FBFX Ltd. used Stratasys multi-material 3D printing technology to create various 3D printed pieces for the summer blockbuster “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

The Star-Lord helmet from “Guardians of the Galaxy” features various Stratasys 3D Printed parts
The team at the special effects workshop 3D printed movie props and costumes, including the entire “armor” outfit for the character, Korath. According to Grant Pearmain, director of costume and props at FBFX, this was 3D printed almost entirely using Objet500 Connex Multi-material 3D Printers by Stratasys and represents the first time the company has produced a fully 3D printed costume worn in a movie.
The Objet500 Connex was also employed to produce the memorable Star-Lord helmet worn by Chris Pratt. Several prototype versions were 3D printed, as well as vacuum-cast versions created from a 3D printed mold. The actual helmet used in the movie features a 3D printed interior and exterior detailing using rigid opaque (VeroGray) material.
According to Pearmain, 3D printing has revolutionized the quality and turnaround times in the movie prop and costume shop. The company now favors 3D printing above traditional clay methods for 90% of the specialist props it develops – a leap from a mere 10% only a few years ago.
“Quite simply, PolyJet technology delivers a level of quality with precise detail that is better than anything else available,” Pearmain said. “We no longer have to contend with repeatability issues like variations in skill level from one craftsman to another – we know exactly what the 3D printed piece will look like, regardless of how many pieces we’re producing.”