As additive manufacturing grows in its capabilities, there are many industries that benefit through the research, development and hard work of the pioneers in the field. Notably, Stratasys has spent an unrivaled amount of time working with end users to develop streamlined … [Read more...]
From Napkin to 3D Model: CAD Design with Purple Porcupine
Do you have the next best toy to hit the shelves? Are you the trendsetter developing the newest craze? Or are you simply diagnosing a problem and determined to create a product to solve it? Whatever your driving factor to market is, Purple Porcupine is committed to helping you … [Read more...]
Multi-Material Printing with PolyJet
Creating unique and visually stunning prototypes has never been easier. For simple prototypes, Stratasys PolyJet machines generate detailed and effective models. But with projects requiring multi-body assemblies, full-color options, and over-molds – Stratasys truly reigns … [Read more...]
Assessing Your Prototyping Goals: FDM or PolyJet?
Whether you own 3D printers, consult for clients, or are developing products for yourself, choosing the correct print method is an incredibly important facet of product development. To help illustrate this, let’s use two of Purple Porcupine’s print processes, FDM and PolyJet, as … [Read more...]
RTV Molding: A Solution For Short-Run Production Parts
When developing a product, you may find that there can be multiple levels or stages in the production process. Whether you require a fit check, form evaluation, functional testing and/or marketing samples for fundraising, Purple Porcupine can provide a viable option for each. The … [Read more...]