When the J750 was initially released it only supported the VRML file type. With recent updates, the J750 now supports OBJ file formats. Showing both colors and textures, an OBJ file format is a great way to highlight the capabilities of the J750. However, when … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Stratasys FDM TPU 92A
In this edition of 30 on 3D, we are diving into the latest FDM material from Stratasys, TPU 92A. 3D printing with TPU 92A puts an end to costly and time-consuming molding and casting methods in order to produce elastomeric parts. This is the first time Stratasys has had a high … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Quality Control with EviXscan 3D
EviXscan's top offering, the Heavy Duty Quadro, has an accuracy of up to 0.013 mm, with a resolution up to 242 pt/mm2. In conjunction with Geomagic Control X software, the Quadro becomes perfect for quality control check. Geomagic comes with a variety of … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Using Scan Data for Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering can be conducted by scanning a part and using that scan data to create parametric CAD models. In order to do this, we will take the scan data and use the DesignX software, demonstrated in the video above, to pull real geometric data which … [Read more...]
Purple Platypus and Stratasys Partner with CSULB to Open New I-Space Facility
On August 23rd, with the support of Purple Platypus and Stratasys Ltd, California State Long Beach opened the doors of their new Innovation Space (I-Space) facility that holds the latest innovations in the additive world such as the new generation Stratasys J750. “I think this … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Assigning Material Properties to Mutli-Body STL Assemblies
Similar to color assignment in GrabCAD Print, assigning material properties to a mutli-body STL assembly is super easy and done with just a simple click. One of the many advantages the Stratasys J750 offers is the ability to assign multiple types of materials … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Color Assignments and Callouts on the J750
The Stratasys J750 offers 500,000+ colors and material options giving users endless possibilities of realism and accuracy on their prints. Assigning these color and material options in GrabCAD print is quick, user-friendly and allows the option to assign a … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Various Print Modes in GrabCAD Print
An extremely cost effective feature the Stratasys F123 offers is the option to use a draft mode over the normal print mode to produce initial design concepts more quickly and economically. Now you can print twice as fast as the standard build mode while using … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Automated Scan Alignment Using the Heavy Duty Quadro
EviXscan's Heavy Duty Quadro is the first 3D scanner ready to scan in almost any condition making 3D scanning possible outdoors or in the harshest of conditions. With its aluminum body and carbon fiber beam, the Quadro is highly versatile and guarantees … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Expediting RTV Molding with PolyJet
Silicone molding, also known as room temperature vulcanization (RTV) molding, creates finished products for prototyping, functional testing, and short-run production. PolyJet 3D printing technology is an innovative alternative to machining patterns for silicone mold making. On … [Read more...]