Stop motion animation is based on a simple procedure; position an object in front of the camera and expose one frame of film, then move that object slightly and expose another frame. After repeating this process, the frames are played in sequence which create an illusion of … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Chemically Bonding Large Parts
Sometimes, one may need to print a part that’s larger than the provided printer build volume. In those cases it is generally recommended to slice the part using a software like Magics and then utilize a chemical bonding process to adhere the parts together … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Orienting Parts Using GrabCAD Print
Orienting a part on a printer’s build platform is crucial for getting the best possible quality and characteristics for a specific application. On this edition of 30 on 3D, Senior R&D Engineer, Peter Montgomery will demonstrate why it’s important to … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Utilizing GrabCAD Print – Remote Printer Access
What most don’t realize with GrabCAD is that it can be used from multiple locations. On this edition of 30 on 3D, Systems Supervisor, Jason Brown will discuss the benefits of utilizing GrabCAD Print to access printers remotely. By simply signing into your GrabCAD account from a … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: The Benefits of Adding Clear-Coat to FDM Parts
When creating a prototype that requires a precise look and feel, adding something as simple as an acrylic clear-coat goes a long way. For this edition of 30 on 3D, Systems Supervisor, Jason Brown will discuss the benefits of using this application on FDM parts. When binding … [Read more...]
2017 Operation Santa Claus Toy Drive
This year Purple Platypus will be hosting a toy drive for Operation Santa Claus. Since 1962, Operation Santa Claus conducts a gift drive and distributes toys to children who are abandoned, neglected, abused, or placed in foster care. Last year, Operation Santa Claus distributed … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Adding Hardware to Stratasys FDM Parts
One of the many benefits Insight™ offers is the ability to program a pause into a build, allowing for designers and engineers to add hardware and components needed in a print. For this edition of 30 on 3D, learn how to incorporate fixtures into an FDM build using … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Sectioning Large Parts in Insight
Sometimes we are faced with the common misconception of smaller build volumes not being able to accommodate larger parts. On this edition of 30 on 3D, Senior R&D Engineer, Peter Montgomery, explains how to print parts larger than your printer’s build … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Stretching the Limit with Agilus30
Agilus30 is PolyJet's toughest flexible material to date. This superior, rubber-like photopolymer is ideal for advanced design verification and rapid prototyping. In this edition of 30 on 3D, R&D Engineer, Peter Montgomery, will discuss the benefits of using Agilus30 and how it … [Read more...]
Printer Rundown: Desktop Metal Studio System
Before Desktop Metal, inexpensive metal 3D printing was nonexistent. By reducing cost-per-part by up to 20%, the Desktop Metal Studio System is the leading solution to metal prototyping and end use parts. What is the software behind the studio system? The … [Read more...]