Automatic Scanning & Measurement System
eviXmatic is the perfect automated four-axis scanning and measuring system, offering the ability to fully automatize the quality inspection process. Designed for areas of precise repetitive measuring and quality inspection tasks, eviXmatic allows companies to optimize the quality control process with highly accurate non-contact object measurements.
Device Dimensions
1.443 x .515 x 1.234 m
Device Weight
51 kg
Number of Axes
Maximum Dimensions of Scanned Object
250 x 650 x 250 mm
Maximum Allowable Load For Object
30 kg
Compatible With
Heavy Duty Quadro
Heavy Duty Optima
Features of the eviXmatic
- Auto-calibration
- Automatic scanning procedure
- Routine programming
- Ability to define measurement sequences
- Scanning of objects without fixing them to the rotary table
- Integration with Geomagic Control X for fully automatic generation of quality inspection reports
- Possible simultaneous scanning of several small objects in a single scanning run