Get Your Parts Fast

Purple Porcupine is your premier source for product development services. From the design stage to prototyping to manufacturing, you can depend on our team to provide exceptional solutions that will bring your next big idea to reality.

Create durable jigs & fixtures with our production-grade FDM thermoplastic materials.

Create realistic prototypes in over 500,000 colors and multiple PolyJet materials.

3D Printing Services

From draft-concept iterations to functional models, we can help.

From functional prototypes with exacting tolerances to manufacturing tools that perform under pressure, our experts at Purple Porcupine can help you make durable parts in FDM thermoplastic materials.

With an astounding 500,000+ color combinations, Pantone Validated Colors, and multi-material capability, you can design without limits. Create prototypes that look, feel, and operate like finished parts.

Create prototypes that have complex shapes and a high degree of precision that would otherwise be impossible to produce with Purple Porcupine’s 3D printing services.

Perfect for low-volume production, Multi Jet Fusion technology provides repeatability, dimensional stability, and is perfect for multiple applications that require high-stiffness.

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Start Your
Project Today

No matter what industry you come from, rapid prototyping is changing the way business is done. Through highly accurate, cost-effective and time-efficient processes, 3D rapid prototypes can be created in mere days.

Virtually every industry is able to perfect its product without wasting money on expensive tooling, multiple design iterations and production costs. Here at Purple Porcupine, we shorten your time-to-market, so you can stay competitive in the marketplace.

To start your project, request a quote today!



Our 3D CAD design services are the first step in bringing your product design to life. Having a 3D CAD file ready will advance you to the next stage of your design process: Prototyping. Our knowledgeable team of CAD engineers draw from their substantial experience and utilize the industry’s top engineering tools to refine and optimize product designs for manufacturing, ergonomics, and aesthetics.

Dedicated to providing the highest quality services around, our professional 3D scanning services utilize the eviXscan Heavy Duty Quadro. Receive exceptional and highly-detailed models of your object quickly, allowing ease in reverse engineering.

Our RTV tooling and cast urethane services are perfect for projects that require low to medium volume production and for validating design features and assembly conditions. 

Give your work space new dimension and stand out amongst other businesses by using custom 3D printed mosaic art. Our full-production service includes mosaic development, a proof for client approval, 3D print production, and installation. From start to finish, you can expect exceptional service from our production team.

Purple Porcupine 3D Printing Services

At Purple Porcupine, you can depend on our 3D printing & rapid prototyping services to be exceptional, and our 3D printed models to hold tight tolerances with premium finishes. We use only the best of rapid prototyping technologies that will provide optimal solutions that can change the way you design and create products.