Connect with us Wednesday, March 20th at our Irvine Open House event anytime from 10:00am – 2:00pm and learn how 3D scanning and printing can upgrade your industrial tooling process. Lunch & Learn | Shorten The Cycle: How Additive Upgrades Your Industrial Tooling Sign up … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: eviXmatic Automatic 3D Scanning System
On this edition of 30 on 3D, our Senior R&D Engineer, Peter Montgomery, discusses the all-new eviXmatic from eviXscan 3D. The eviXmatic uses a four-axis system to capture necessary geometries to provide comprehensive quality control inspection reports. With … [Read more...]
Irvine Open House Event
Connect with us Wednesday, March 20th at our Irvine Open House event anytime from 10:00am – 2:00pm and learn how 3D scanning and printing can upgrade your industrial tooling process. Lunch & Learn | Shorten The Cycle: How Additive Upgrades Your Industrial Tooling Sign up … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: VRML Printing on the Connex3
The J750 is known for its ability to create printed products with a fantastic level of detail. Historically, this level of detail was reserved solely for full-color 3D printers, namely the J750 and the J735. Now, you can print VRML files in a Connex3 printer … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Using OBJ Files for Color 3D Printing
When the J750 was initially released it only supported the VRML file type. With recent updates, the J750 now supports OBJ file formats. Showing both colors and textures, an OBJ file format is a great way to highlight the capabilities of the J750. However, when … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Stratasys FDM TPU 92A
In this edition of 30 on 3D, we are diving into the latest FDM material from Stratasys, TPU 92A. 3D printing with TPU 92A puts an end to costly and time-consuming molding and casting methods in order to produce elastomeric parts. This is the first time Stratasys has had a high … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Quality Control with EviXscan 3D
EviXscan's top offering, the Heavy Duty Quadro, has an accuracy of up to 0.013 mm, with a resolution up to 242 pt/mm2. In conjunction with Geomagic Control X software, the Quadro becomes perfect for quality control check. Geomagic comes with a variety of … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Using Scan Data for Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering can be conducted by scanning a part and using that scan data to create parametric CAD models. In order to do this, we will take the scan data and use the DesignX software, demonstrated in the video above, to pull real geometric data which … [Read more...]
30 on 3D: Various Print Modes in GrabCAD Print
An extremely cost effective feature the Stratasys F123 offers is the option to use a draft mode over the normal print mode to produce initial design concepts more quickly and economically. Now you can print twice as fast as the standard build mode while using … [Read more...]
Irvine Open House Event
Connect with us Wednesday, June 20th at our Irvine Open House event anytime from 10:00am – 2:00pm and learn all about the advancements 3D scanning has provided for leading design and technical industries all over the world, alongside with the latest 3D printing … [Read more...]